
The application for Zero Art Fair 2025 will go live March 14th.  Please review the following information if you would like to submit works for consideration by our curatorial committee.

  • For this summer’s edition of Zero Art Fair we will be accepting between 3 to 5 art work submissions from each artist.  To participate in the fair artists must commit to including a minimum of 2 art works, one for each day of the fair.  We may accept up to 5 works from each artist based on the curatorial teams decision. 

  • This year, applications will be submitted through our website.  Artists will have to register an account to access the application form and art work submission page.  We have streamlined the application process so you will not have to resubmit information about art works if you are selected for the fair.  There is no fee for registering an account or applying to the fair. In a better world, we’d pay you for the trouble of having to apply to be able to get your work out of storage and into someone’s home.  None of this works without the generosity of artists willing to momentarily step outside of the logic of the art market. 

  • We will be accepting exhibition ready 2-D (framed or mounted) and 3-D works that can fit into the elevator at Flag Foundation and reasonably be moved within the greater New York Area.  Artists will be responsible for drop-off of their works at Flag Foundation in early July.  While we don’t anticipate any left over work, artists will responsible for picking up works that don’t find a new collector.

  • The image submission process is a crucial part of efforts to present your work in best possible manner to our curatorial team with full size images and lightbox with titles, captions, and your description.  To help make this work, please make sure you prepare your submission images as JPEG (.jpg) files with a maximum dimension of 1500 pixels.  We will accept other image formats, but please make sure no dimension (L or W) is larger than 1500 pixels.

  • Artists selected for participation in the fair will receive a $100 honorarium from Flag Foundation for the 3 day preview exhibition which will be open to the public during normal hours.  We are grateful to Flag Foundation for providing an exhibition fee to our participating artists.

  • We are also working towards building an online version of Zero Art Fair, and artists who are not selected due to curatorial decisions may be selected for the online Zero Art Fair in the future.  We will include an option to have your application considered for the online version without having to re-apply.  

  • It’s also important to understand that for this edition of the fair, visitors will have to register for timed entry tickets.  We will be asking visitors to let us know if they need help to live with art, if they can normally afford to buy art, or if they can help others live with art.  Based on these categories, we will be prioritizing access to the visitors who normally cannot afford to buy art.  After all, artists work is always available for sale during the public exhibition period and throughout the five-year vesting period of our contract.